KRB Finarch and Research Pvt LTD

KRB Finarch and Research Pvt Ltd

Audit of NGO by CA

A non-Profit Organisation (NGO) is an organisation which is operating its social activities with public donations. So, the NGO needs to make accounts and financial statements to show its performance to the general public. 

NGOs are established as a public trust under the Trust Laws or Societies Registration Act or a company under the Companies Act, 2013. The NGO requires to receive a foreign contribution for getting its books of accounts audited by the Chartered Accountants (CA). 

An NGO gets its accounts audited according to the Incorporation Law depending on its form of Registration. The audit is done as per the Trust Act, Societies Act, Companies Act or Income Tax Act. 

Section 12A (b) of the Income Tax Act has made audit mandatory for an NGO in case the total income of the NGO exceeds the maximum amount that is not chargeable to Income Tax in any previous year. The receivables of an organisation are required to be mandatorily audited according to Section 12A (b) of the Act. 

Introduction to NGOs

An NGO is established by a group of people to render service without the intention of profit but rather with the sole purpose of helping people in society. The NGO is a non-profit organisation where funds are raised from members, donors, or contributors. In NGOs, funds are also raised through donations and by accomplishing social objectives like giving education, economic assistance to the poor, providing health and medical facilities and dealing with other social issues. 

An NGO is established to serve the people and the nation. The source of Income for an NGO is donations from the Government and other donors who are willing to contribute to society. The NGO maintains books of accounts related to the incoming and outgoing funds. The NGO can also get the book audited for their own interest by an independent auditor to assure the donors to rely on the reports. NGOs also file mandatory Income Tax returns. 

Benefits of Audit for NGOs

There are so many benefits of audit for an NGO. The most basic benefits of audit for the NGO are as follows: 

  • The audit helps the NGO in providing proof of authenticity and honesty in the financial statements and practices carried them. 
  • Auditors are updated with the amendments made by the Government. 
  • Auditors provide valuable advice to the NGO on financial matters and controls. 
  • An audit allows the NGO to take and apply the knowledge provided by the auditors. 
  • The NGO also takes the help of an auditor to investigate particular issues. 

Types of the Audit for the NGO

Four types of audits are carried out for an NGO to examine its activities of it and verify its working of it as per law and order without any interference, i.e., independently. These audits are as follows: 

  • External Audit  

An independent external auditor executes the external audit. Such an Auditor gives a professional opinion on the fairness and credibility of the financial statements b conducting an examination of samples of the records. 

The opinion of this auditor plays a vital role in providing a set of proof of the truthfulness and genuineness of financial reports. 

  • Internal Audit 

The internal audit is executed by the officers and other staff of the NGO or by any professional who is exclusively hired for the audit. The verification of the NGO’s policies and procedures is done in an Internal audit.   

  • Donor Audit 

The donor audit is performed by the donor themselves or any external auditors of the NGO. This ensures the donors that their donations are duly utilised. 

  • Investigative Audit 

The investigative audit is performed in a case where the NGO suspects an issue, and the auditor is required to uncover and investigate all the primary and secondary facts.

Purposes of Audits

The different purposes of all types of audits are as follows: 

  • External Audit 

This audit examines the fairness, authenticity and accuracy of the financial statements of the NGO. 

  • Internal Audit  

This audit examines the procedures and policies followed by the NGO. 

  • Donor Audit 

This audit examines all the terms and conditions followed by the NGO. 

  • Investigative Audit 

This audit searches for the evidence connected to the suspected fraud or any other issue

Forms of Financial Statements for the purpose of NGO Audit

The financial statement forms part of the General-Purpose Financial statements of an NGO: 

  • Balance sheet 
  • Income and expenditure account 
  • Cash flow statements 

The fund-based accounting is relevant for the NGO. The Income and Expenditure Account has these three columns to provide income and expenses related to the restricted funds as differentiated from unrestricted funds: 

  • Restricted funds 
  • Unrestricted funds (Designated and General Funds) 
  • Column reflecting the total income and expenses of restricted and unrestricted funds.   

The NGO separates designated funds from other unrestricted funds in the internal auditing records. The NGO must take care at the time of publishing the accounts. The NGO also provides an integrated balance sheet at the time of auditing. 

The financial statement is prepared only after confirming the accounting standards and other relevant statutory requirements. 

Steps were taken by the auditor in conducting the audit

The auditor follows different tasks performed or steps while conducting the audit. Following are such tasks or steps: 

  • The auditor studies the memorandum of the NGO to know the activities and services of the NGO. 
  • The auditor keeps a check on the grants received by NGOs from the foreign institutions and whether it was as per the appropriate rules and regulations or not. 
  • Auditors check the use of the Government’s grant, and a proper account is maintained for keeping a record of such grants. 
  • The auditor also checks the donation received from any individual or institution and also checks the use of such donation. The auditor examines the amount received as a subscription ratifying with the counterfoils of the receipts. 
  • Auditors study the decision made by the executives. 
  • The auditor makes physical verification of assets ratifying with the store ledger. 
  • The auditor also checks the liabilities and proper transfer of them. 
  • The auditor ensures the legality of NGOs and other compliances such as the Income Tax Act, ESIC, etc. 
  • Auditor confirms the applicability of Sections 12AA and 80G. 
  • Auditors conduct the background check of all the executives and officials of the NGO and other people who are connected with the NGO. 

Contents of the auditor's report in an NGO Audit

The contents of the auditor’s report are as follows: 

  • A balance sheet of society name with address 
  • Income and Expenditure Account 
  • Receipts 
  • Payment account 

The format of the auditor's report is as follows:

  • The auditor receives all the explanations and information that are necessary for the purpose of the audit. 
  • The book of account is appropriately maintained as per the law. 
  • The balance sheet and income and expenditure account dealt with the report 
  • The account gives a fair view of the following: 
  1. The state of affairs of NGO in case of a balance sheet 
  2. The surplus amount in the case of income and expenditure account. 
  3. Payment of the society during the end of the financial year for the receipts and payments account
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